ニカラグア議会は,オルテガと妻の「コンクシデンス」を権力を伸ばす改革を承認する. Nicaraguan Congress approves reforms making Ortega and his wife "copresidents," extending their power.
ニカラグアの議会は,ダニエル・オルテガ大統領とその妻、ムバラク・ミュリヨ副大統領を,政府機関を支配し,大統領の任期を6年間延長する憲法改革を承認した. Nicaragua's Congress has approved constitutional reforms that make President Daniel Ortega and his wife, Vice President Rosario Murillo, "copresidents," extending their control over government bodies and expanding the presidential term to six years. 批評家はこれらの変化は権力をつかみ,民主主義の原理と人権を乱用し,2018年以降の反政府勢力に対する政府の弾圧が継続している最中にあると話している。 Critics say these changes are a power grab, undermining democratic principles and human rights, and come amid ongoing government crackdowns on opposition since 2018 protests.