大晦日のバーボンストリートでの致死傷者数,地域社会は衝撃を受けた. Deadly attack on Bourbon Street during New Year's leaves multiple victims, shocking the community.
新年祝いの間に ボーボン通りで 起きた致命的な攻撃の 犠牲者が特定されました Victims have been identified in a deadly attack that occurred on Bourbon Street during New Year's celebrations. 複数の死者を出した事件で,当局は事件の詳細を調査している. The incident resulted in multiple casualties, and authorities are investigating the details of the event. この攻撃は,その祝典の雰囲気で知られる地域社会に衝撃を与え,公共の祝賀の際に安全に関する懸念を提起した. The attack has shocked the community, known for its festive atmosphere, and raised concerns about safety during public celebrations.