イギリスの小売販売率は11月には0.2%上昇し,スーパーや家具に動かされたが,衣料品の販売は減少した. UK retail sales rose 0.2% in November, driven by supermarkets and furniture, but clothing sales fell.
イギリスの小売販売率は11月に0.2%増加し,国民統計局によると10月は0.7%減少した. UK retail sales increased by 0.2% in November, following a 0.7% drop in October, according to the Office for National Statistics. 0.5%の予測にもかかわらず,スーパーや家庭の小売店、特に家具店が成長を促した. Despite a 0.5% forecast, the growth was driven by supermarkets and household goods retailers, particularly furniture stores. しかし,衣料品販売は2.6%減少し,2022年1月から最下位となった. Clothing sales, however, fell by 2.6%, their lowest since January 2022. また,オンライン販売も2月連続で減少した. Online sales also declined for the second month in a row. アウトゥン予算の脱税と価格の上昇は,消費者の支出に対する懸念が残る. The Autumn Budget's tax hikes and rising prices remain concerns for consumer spending.