サスカチュワンのジェラルド近郊で,トラクター列車と衝突した事故で,一人の男性が死亡し,列車が脱線し,道路が閉鎖されました. A tractor-train collision near Gerald, Saskatchewan led to a man's death, train derailment, and road closure.
サスカチュワンのジェラルド近郊で,トラクターと貨物列車の衝突で,エステルハジの男性が死亡しました. A collision between a tractor and a freight train near Gerald, Saskatchewan, resulted in the death of a man from Esterhazy. 鉄道の交差点で起きたこの事故は,また,いくつかの電車車を脱線させた. The incident, which occurred at a rail crossing, also caused several train cars to derail. 乾燥品は失われましたが, 危険性の高い流出は報告されていません. Fortunately, no hazardous spills were reported, though some dry goods were lost. 現場はRCMPによって調査されています. そして, ラングロード1322は 木曜日の朝まで閉鎖されています. The scene is under investigation by the RCMP, and Range Road 1322 remains closed until Thursday morning. 乗組員たちは 病院に運ばれて 検査を受けました Train crew members were taken to the hospital for evaluation.