北朝鮮のオンギン郡で地震が発生したが,核実験現場付近で同様の震度が報告された. Earthquake hits North Korea's Ongjin county; similar tremors reported near nuclear test site.
韓国の気象庁によると2.2大地震が日曜日の早朝に北朝鮮のオンギン郡を襲った. A 2.2 magnitude earthquake struck North Korea's Ongjin county early Sunday morning, according to South Korea's weather agency. この自然現象は11月に北朝鮮の核実験所付近で同様の地震が発生した. This natural occurrence follows a similar earthquake in November near North Korea's nuclear test site. 加えて,韓国のユリヨン県で2.1大地震が記録され,被害を生じる見込みは低いとされる. Additionally, a 2.1 magnitude earthquake was recorded in South Korea's Uiryeong county, deemed unlikely to cause damage.