NY知事は,囚人の暴行に関連した刑務所職員を十数人以上解雇した. New York's governor fires over a dozen prison staff linked to an inmate's fatal beating.
ニューヨークの知事は,今月初めに被収容者への致命傷に係る10人以上の刑務所職員の解散を命じた. New York's governor has ordered the termination of over a dozen prison staff members involved in the fatal beating of an inmate earlier this month. この判決は,この事件について調査の結果,国家刑務所内における安全と責任の確保を目指す. The decision comes after an investigation into the incident, aiming to uphold safety and accountability within the state's prisons. 知事の動向は,そのような暴力を防止し,刑務所職員の適切な行儀を確保する努力を強調する. The governor's move highlights a commitment to preventing such violence and ensuring proper conduct among prison staff.