共和党は"Plan C"をプッシュし,政府の閉鎖を回避し,不確実な支持とトランプ大統領の要求に直面する. Republicans push "Plan C" to avert government shutdown, facing uncertain support and President Trump's demands.
共和党は"Plan C"を開発しました 政府の閉鎖を回避し 金曜の朝は院内投票が期待されます Republicans have developed "Plan C" to avoid a government shutdown, with a vote expected in the House on Friday morning. 計画は暫定的な修正を目的としているが,債務問題の長期的解決を求めるトランプ大統領を満足させるかは不明である. The plan is aimed at providing a temporary fix, but it's unclear if it will satisfy President Trump, who demands a long-term solution to the debt ceiling issue. 政府は深夜に期限が満了し,短期的解決の見込みがある一方,議会での成功は,共和党や民主党からの反対により,まだ不明である. The government faces a shutdown deadline at midnight, and while a short-term continuing resolution is a possibility, its success in the House remains uncertain due to opposition from some Republicans and Democrats.