労働党の会議で,ダイアン・アボット議員は,英国政府の緊縮政策と軍事政策を人種差別の増加と結びつけ,人種差別対策を促した. At the Labour Party conference, MP Diane Abbott linked UK government's austerity and military policies to increased racism, urging anti-racism measures.
労働党の会議で,ダイアン・アボット議員は,英国政府の緊縮政策と軍事的イニシアチブが,人種差別を増加させ,特に黒人,アジア人,イスラム教徒などの少数民族に影響を及ぼす可能性があると警告した. At the Labour Party conference, MP Diane Abbott cautioned that the UK government's austerity and military initiatives will likely increase racism, particularly impacting ethnic minorities like Black, Asian, and Muslim communities. 彼女は右翼のレトリックを採用した政府を批判し,それが最近の暴動につながる気候を助長したと考えている. She criticized the government for adopting right-wing rhetoric, which she believes has fostered a climate leading to recent riots. アボットと労働党のミシュ・ラフマンは 党員に強固な反人種差別対策を提唱するよう求めた. Abbott and fellow Labour member Mish Rahman urged party members to advocate for stronger anti-racism measures.