独立党のZarah Sultana議員は,グッドモーニング・ブリテンで,イギリスでの暴力を人種差別的,イスラム嫌悪的と非難したことで反発に直面した. Independent MP Zarah Sultana faced backlash for labeling UK violence as racist and Islamophobic on Good Morning Britain.
独立党のZarah Sultana議員は,最近,英国で起こった暴力的な混乱を人種差別とイスラム嫌悪だと非難したことで, 批判を受けた. Independent MP Zarah Sultana faced backlash for her recent comments on Good Morning Britain (GMB), where she claimed that recent violent disorder in the UK should be labelled as racist and Islamophobic. スルターナは政治家やジャーナリストを憎しみと分裂の炎を煽っていると非難し, GMBの視聴者からの批判を浴びた. Sultana accused politicians and journalists of fanning the flames of hate and division, drawing criticism from GMB viewers for the show's panel's response to her discussion.