ダブリン空港の年間旅客上限を4000万人に上げるDAAの計画は,フィンガル郡議会の3ヶ月の延長によって遅延した. DAA's plan to increase Dublin Airport's annual passenger cap to 40M delayed by Fingal County Council's 3-month extension.
ダブリン空港の運営者DAAの年間旅客客数の上限を3200万から4000万に増やす計画は,フィンガル郡議会が3ヶ月延長したことで延期された. Dublin Airport operator DAA's plan to increase its annual passenger cap from 32M to 40M has been delayed by a three-month extension granted by Fingal County Council. DAAは,理事会が要求した追加情報に回答し,北滑走路の申請に関するAn Bord Pleanálaの判断を待っています. DAA must now respond to further information requested by the council and is awaiting a ruling from An Bord Pleanála on its North Runway application. 会社は現在,年間36Mの乗客の上限を上げるための暫定的な申請に取り組んでいます. The company is currently working on an interim application to increase the cap to 36M passengers per year.