2フィリップス、テキサス・パンハンドルの製油所火災で従業員66人負傷。原因は調査中。 2 Phillips 66 employees injured, refinery fire in Texas Panhandle; cause under investigation.
テキサス・パンハンドルの製油所火災でフィリップス66の従業員2名が負傷した。 2 employees of Phillips 66 were injured in a refinery fire in the Texas Panhandle. 午前11時20分に発生した火災は、緊急管理当局とボーガー消防署に通報され、午後1時までに消し止められた。 The fire, which started at 11:20am, was extinguished by 1pm after emergency management officials and the Borger Fire Department were notified. 負傷した従業員は病院に運ばれたが、症状はまだ回復していない。 The injured employees were taken to a hospital, but their condition has not been released. 事件の原因は調査中です。 The cause of the incident is under investigation. 製油所は操業を続けている。 The refinery continues to operate.