大嵐がカリフォルニアの海岸に降り注いだため,洪水,死亡,堤防が崩れた. Major storm hits California's coast, causing flooding, a death, and a pier collapse.
大嵐がカリフォルニアの中央海岸を襲い,大きな洪水と高波を引き起こした. A major storm hit California's central coast, causing significant flooding and high surf. 暴風雨で,浜の破片に捕らわれ,船橋の破片の破砕に寄与し,3人を太平洋に派遣した一人の男性が死去した. The storm led to the death of a man who was trapped under debris on a beach and contributed to the partial collapse of a pier, sending three people into the Pacific Ocean. 当局は継続するリスクを警告し,住民に水から遠ざかるよう勧告している. Authorities warn of continued risks and urge residents to stay away from the water.