ロンドンで家庭内暴力事件に警察が対応する際に,男性が自分を燃やし,二人は負傷した. Man sets himself on fire during police response to domestic disturbance in London; both injured.
12月13日、ロンドンのイズリントンで、警察が家庭内騒動のために到着した後、男が自分に火をつけました。 A man set himself on fire in Islington, London, on December 13 after police arrived for a domestic disturbance. 傍観者や警察は 服と消火器を使って 火を消した Bystanders and officers used clothes and fire extinguishers to put out the flames. 男は不死身の負傷で入院し,警察官は軽度の火傷を負った. The man was hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries, and a police officer suffered minor burns. 事件の際の警察の存在により 独立警察行動局に通知されました The Independent Office for Police Conduct has been notified due to police presence during the incident.