ビクトリアの警察は 早朝 マクドナルドで 男の顔を蹴られた事件を捜査してる Police in Victoria investigate an early morning assault at a McDonald's where a man was kicked in the face.
朝5時45分頃、バガス通りにあるマクドナルドの駐車場で、朝5時45分ごろに発生した暴行事件について、ビクトリアの警察が捜査している。 Police in Victoria are investigating an early morning assault that occurred around 5:45 a.m. on Thursday in the parking lot of a McDonald's on Pandora Avenue. 男性容疑者が 別の男の顔を蹴ったと 伝えられている A male suspect reportedly kicked another man in the face, causing non-life-threatening injuries. 被害者は病院に運ばれ,容疑者は現場で逮捕された. The victim was taken to the hospital, and the suspect was arrested on the scene. マクドナルドは捜査中に一時閉鎖された. The McDonald's was temporarily closed during the investigation.