30代の男性はバンベリー・パブ郊外で標的攻撃で重傷を負った;19歳が逮捕された. Man in his 30s seriously injured in targeted attack outside Banbury pub; 19-year-old arrested.
12月21日 30代の男性が バンベリーのバーで 重大な頭部損傷を負った On December 21st, a man in his 30s suffered serious head injuries in an assault outside The Exchange pub in Banbury. 19歳の容疑者が重傷で逮捕された. A 19-year-old suspect was arrested for grievous bodily harm. 警察によると,攻撃は標的となり,公安の危険性も無く,証人又は情報を有する者に対し,その情報の提供を訴えている. Police say the attack was targeted and there's no threat to public safety, and they are appealing for witnesses or anyone with information to come forward.