ボストンのサウス駅で、ドリンクの蓋に触れたマクドナルドの従業員を暴行した疑いで、34歳の男が逮捕された。 A 34-year-old man was arrested at South Station in Boston for allegedly attacking a McDonald's employee over a drink lid touch.
土曜夜、ボストンの南駅でマクドナルドの従業員を暴行した疑いで34歳の男が逮捕された。 A 34-year-old man was arrested at South Station in Boston on Saturday evening for allegedly attacking a McDonald's employee. 容疑者は従業員が飲み物の蓋に触れたことで激怒し、従業員を数回殴ったり、レジで殴ったりしたという。 The suspect became upset after the employee touched the lid of his drink, and reportedly punched the worker several times and struck him with a cash register. 被害者は現場で治療を受け、容疑者は予約のためMBTA交通警察本部に連行された。 The victim received medical treatment at the scene, and the suspect was taken to MBTA Transit Police headquarters for booking.