殺人容疑で1987年に有罪判決を受けたピーター・サリバンは,新しいDNA証拠により再鑑定を受ける. Peter Sullivan, convicted in 1987 for murder, gets case re-examined due to new DNA evidence.
1987年にデアン・シンダル殺害で有罪となったピーター・サリヴァンは 控訴裁判所で再審される予定です Peter Sullivan, convicted in 1987 for the murder of Diane Sindall in Bebington, Merseyside, is set to have his case re-examined by the Court of Appeal. 刑事訴訟審査委員会は サリヴァンのプロフィールと一致しない 犯行現場のDNAの新証拠により 彼の事件について触れた The Criminal Cases Review Commission referred his case due to new DNA evidence found at the crime scene that does not match Sullivan's profile. サリバンは以前事件の再捜査を申請し 警察の面接や 噛み痕証拠 凶器も提出していた Sullivan had previously applied to have his case re-examined, questioning police interviews, bite mark evidence, and the murder weapon.