肺病は,イギリス国内で8件に1件,死亡者13%がNHSを圧迫している. Lung diseases cause one in eight emergency admissions and 13% of deaths in the UK, straining the NHS.
肺疾患は英国国立保健サービス (NHS) を 圧迫し,昨年の緊急入院の8人に1人,死亡者の13%を 引き起こしている. Lung diseases are straining the UK's National Health Service (NHS), causing one in eight emergency hospital admissions and 13% of deaths last year, according to Asthma and Lung UK. この慈善団体は,予防,診断,治療の改善がない限り,NHSは引き続き奮闘するだろうと警告している. The charity warns that without improved prevention, diagnosis, and treatment, the NHS will continue to struggle. )の勧告は,大気の質の向上,喫煙の停止,病院の入試及び健康の不平等を軽減するための地域社会の支援を含む. Recommendations include better air quality, smoking cessation, and year-round community care to reduce hospital admissions and health inequalities.