9月、韓国の家計貸出は6カ月連続で増加し、住宅ローンが増加を牽引しました。 In September, South Korean household lending rose for the sixth consecutive month, with mortgage loans driving the increase.
9月,韓国銀行は,家庭の貸付額が6カ月連続で上昇し,5.7兆ウォン (4.2億米ドル) で増加し,合計1,135.7兆ウォンとなった. In September, South Korean banks saw household lending rise for the sixth month in a row, increasing by 5.7 trillion won ($4.2 billion) to a total of 1,135.7 trillion won. この増加は主に住宅ローンの増加によるもので,他の世帯ローンの減少にもかかわらず,規制緩和により6.2兆ウォン増加した. This growth was primarily due to mortgage loans, which rose by 6.2 trillion won amid relaxed regulations, despite a decline in other household loans. 企業融資はさらに4兆3000億ウォン増加し,韓国銀行が基準金利を25ベースポイント下げた. Additionally, corporate lending grew by 4.3 trillion won, following a 25 basis point cut in the benchmark interest rate by the Bank of Korea.