難民申請を処理せずにキプロスを追放したことで,キプロスはシリア人の2人のいとこの権利を侵害した. European Court of Human Rights rules Cyprus violated rights of 2 Syrian cousins by deporting them without processing asylum claims; ordered to pay damages and costs.
ギリシャは,難民申請を処理せずに,シリアの2人のいとこをレバノンに追放することで,彼らの権利を侵害した. The European Court of Human Rights ruled that Cyprus violated the rights of two Syrian cousins by deporting them to Lebanon without processing their asylum claims. 裁判所は,キプロスが彼らを返還するリスクを評価しなかったと判断し,海で2日間の拘束中に重大な苦痛をもたらした. The court found that Cyprus failed to assess the risks of returning them and caused significant distress during their two-day detention at sea. 難民1人につき2万2000ユーロの損害賠償と4,700ユーロの費用を支払うよう命じられ,移民政策に対する懸念が高まった. Cyprus was ordered to pay each refugee €22,000 in damages and €4,700 in costs, raising concerns over its immigration policies.