北ダコタ州知事は 州全体の火災緊急事態を宣言しました 極端な火災リスクのためです 州緊急作戦計画を起動します North Dakota Governor declares statewide fire emergency due to extreme fire risk, activating State Emergency Operations Plan.
ノースダコタ州知事のダグ・バーガムは、過去1週間で67件の火災で約3,500エーカーが焼失したため、州全体の火災緊急事態を宣言しました。 North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum has declared a statewide fire emergency due to extreme fire risk, with nearly 3,500 acres burned in 67 fires over the past week. この宣言は 州緊急事態作戦計画を 活性化させ 緊急事態管理局や国家警備隊を含む 州機関が 迅速な消防活動に備えるようにします The declaration activates the State Emergency Operations Plan and ensures that state agencies, including the Department of Emergency Services and the National Guard, are prepared for rapid firefighting efforts. 国民警備隊員は 必要に応じて配備できます National Guard members can be deployed as necessary. 詳細については,ndresponse.gov/burn をご覧ください. For more information, visit ndresponse.gov/burn.