10/5 ノースダコタ州では山火災がレイとティオガの町を脅かし,88934エーカーが焼け,2人が死亡,2軒の家が破壊された.消防士の努力により町が保護された. 10/5 North Dakota wildfires threatened towns Ray and Tioga, burned 88,934 acres, two fatalities, two homes destroyed; firefighters' efforts protected towns.
10月5日,ノースダコタ州北西部の山火事はレイとティオガの町を脅かしました. 森林火事は88,934エーカーを焼いた. On October 5th, wildfires in northwest North Dakota threatened the towns of Ray and Tioga, consuming 88,934 acres—the largest among 40 fires that weekend. 2人の命が失われ 2つの家屋が破壊され 付近の建物や電線に 深刻な被害が及んだ Two lives were lost, and two homes were destroyed, alongside significant damage to outbuildings and power lines. 町はボランティアを含む 複数の消防士の 協調した努力のおかげで 守られたのです Thanks to the coordinated efforts of multiple firefighters, including volunteers, the towns were protected. 州知事ダグ・バーガムは 挑戦的な状況の中で 勇気とチームワークを称賛しました Governor Doug Burgum commended their bravery and teamwork amidst challenging conditions.