オーストラリアの製造業PMIは9月に46.7に低下し,8カ月間の収縮を記録した. Australia's manufacturing PMI fell to 46.7 in September, marking eight months of contraction.
オーストラリアの製造業部門は9月にさらに弱まり,PMIは8月の48.5から46.7に減り,8カ月間の収縮を記録した. Australia's manufacturing sector weakened further in September, with a PMI of 46.7, down from 48.5 in August, marking eight months of contraction. 減少の原因は,新規販売の減少,注文の減少,高利率と不良な市場状況に伴う輸出の減少です. The decline is driven by falling new sales, reduced orders, and declining exports linked to high interest rates and poor market conditions. 生産は急激に減少し,雇用削減が起こりました. Output fell sharply, resulting in job cuts. 景気回復には楽観的な期待があるものの,建設市場と消費者市場が弱体化したため,全体的な状況は依然として穏やかである. While there are some optimistic expectations for recovery, overall conditions remain subdued, impacted by weak construction and consumer markets.