税金納入者同盟は,英国議会に,最大10個のゴミ箱を必要とする廃棄物分離システムを簡素化するよう求める. TaxPayers' Alliance urges UK councils to simplify waste separation systems requiring up to 10 bins.
税金納入者同盟は,英国の住宅所有者の一部は,廃棄物を最大10個の異なるゴミ箱に分け,数十の地域には6つのゴミ箱があることを明らかにしています. The TaxPayers' Alliance reveals that some UK homeowners are required to separate their waste into up to 10 different bins, with dozens of areas having six bins. 廃棄物分離システムの複雑さにより,住民はゴミ箱の回収に伴う重荷の多くを 引き上げている. The complexity of waste separation systems has led to residents being responsible for much of the heavy lifting in bin collection. 税金納入者同盟は,英国全土でシステムの簡素化を求めています. 国内の市議会は,家庭に複雑な廃棄物分離システムを課し続けています. The TaxPayers' Alliance calls for the simplification of the system across the entire UK, as councils across the country continue to impose complicated waste separation systems on households.