ラスベガスの法律事務所で銃撃事件が発生し、3人が死亡した。 Three people died in a shooting at a law office in Las Vegas.
当局によると、月曜日、ネバダ州ラスベガスの法律事務所内で銃撃事件が発生し、犯人を含む3人が死亡した。 Three people, including the shooter, were killed in a shooting inside a law office in Las Vegas, Nevada, on Monday, according to authorities. 銃撃事件は現地時間午前10時頃、市内の事業所で発生した。 The shooting occurred at around 10 a.m. local time at a business in the city. この事件で数百人がいた高層オフィスビルは避難させられ、動機や被害者と銃撃犯の関係が捜査中である。 The multi-story office building with hundreds of people inside was evacuated during this incident, and the motive and relationship between the victims and the shooter are under investigation.