トランプ大統領は,連邦役所の廃止を目指す,教育省を解体する行政命令を計画している. President Trump plans an executive order to dismantle the Department of Education, aiming to cut federal bureaucracy.
トランプ大統領は,連邦政府の官僚制を削減するという選挙の約束を果たすために,教育省を解体する大統領令を準備していると伝えられています. President Trump is reportedly preparing an executive order to dismantle the Department of Education, aiming to fulfill his campaign promise to reduce federal bureaucracy. 命令は部署を機能削減に 指示できるが 完全に閉鎖するには 議会の承認が必要になる While the order can direct the department to reduce its functions, fully shutting it down would require congressional approval. 連邦学生支援・非差別政策の実施に係る課は,おそらく他の機関に移つた機能との連携を図る可能性がある. The department, responsible for federal student aid and enforcing non-discrimination policies, faces potential restructuring with some functions possibly moved to other agencies.