長期間にわたる健康問題で360万人以上の利益を生ずるイギリスの個人独立金の額は増加している. UK's Personal Independence Payment, benefiting over 3.6 million with long-term health issues, sees rising applications.
イギリスの個人独立金(PIP)は,長期的健康問題又は障害を有する者のために,月800ポンドを最高速度で提供している. The UK's Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is a benefit for those with long-term health issues or disabilities, offering up to £800 monthly at the highest rate. PIPは健康、感覚、精神、知的、認知といった健康状態の影響を毎日の生活や運動で評価する. PIP assesses the impact of medical conditions, which can be physical, sensory, mental, intellectual, or cognitive, on daily living and mobility. 資格は,特定の作業を行う個人の能力に基づいて得点によって決定され,最低得点は最低8点,最高12点となります. Eligibility is determined by scoring points based on an individual's ability to perform specific tasks, with a minimum score of 8 for the lower rate and 12 for the higher rate required. PIPの申請が高まり,360万人以上の受取者が,政府政策の改正を受け,同条の適用が増加した. PIP applications have risen, with over 3.6 million recipients, following changes in government policy.