オタワ警察は,警官が人を撃ち傷つけたことを調査しています. 詳細は不明です. Ottawa police are investigating after an officer shot and injured a man; details are unclear.
オタワ警察の取締役会は,警察官が人を撃った後,捜査を開始した. The Ottawa police services board has launched an investigation after an officer shot and injured a man. 事件の詳細は,銃殺事件及び負傷者の容態に伴う状況を含むが,まだはっきりしていない. Details about the incident, including the circumstances leading to the shooting and the condition of the injured individual, are not yet clear. 警察の番犬は,適切なプロトコルを踏まえたかどうかを判断するために,事件を調査する. The police watchdog will examine the events to determine if proper protocols were followed.