サンダーベイ近くで警察の車に発砲した男、捜査中。 Man shot by police after firing at their car near Thunder Bay, under investigation.
58歳の男性がサンダーベイ付近のオンタリオ州警察の警察官に射殺され負傷した。 A 58-year-old man was shot and injured by an Ontario police officer near Thunder Bay after he fired at a police car on Boxing Day. 警官が銃を持った男を 報告した時に 事件が起きた The incident occurred when police responded to reports of a man walking with a shotgun. 男 の 人 は 重傷 を 負っ て 病院 に 運ば れ まし た。 The man was taken to the hospital with a serious injury. [オンタリオ特別調査班は] [事件を捜査しており] [1つの主題と1人の証人が調査に指定されている] The Ontario Special Investigations Unit is investigating the case, with one subject and one witness official designated to the investigation. 高速道路11/17は一時閉鎖されたが,その後再開された. Highway 11/17 was temporarily closed but has since reopened. 当局は事件からの情報や映像を要請している. Authorities are requesting any information or footage from the incident.