リンカーン警察は 25番街とダドリー通りの 銃撃事件を捜査中 負傷者はいない Lincoln Police investigate a shooting near 25th and Dudley streets, no injuries reported.
リンカーン警察は 土曜日の夜に 25番街とダドリー通りで 銃撃事件が起きたことを調査しています The Lincoln Police Department is investigating a shooting that occurred Saturday night near 25th and Dudley streets. 警官は21時40分ごろの銃撃の報告に応じた後,近くの家や弾丸の殻に3つの弾丸の穴を発見しました. 負傷者は報告されず,逮捕もされていません. Officers found three bullet holes in a house and shell casings nearby after responding to gunshot reports around 9:40 p.m. No injuries were reported, and no arrests have been made. 警察は市民に情報を求め 犯罪防止部に連絡するように 呼びかけています The police are asking the public for information and encourage anyone with leads to call Crime Stoppers at 402-475-3600.