米国における石油・ガスリグ数は1台減って582台となり,第4週目も減少を続けています (Baker Hughes). U.S. oil and gas rig count falls by one to 582, marking a continued decline for the fourth week (Baker Hughes).
ベイカー・ヒューズによると,米国の石油・ガスリグ数は1つ減って582台となり,第4週目も減少を続けています. The U.S. oil and gas rig count fell by one to 582, marking a continued decline for the fourth week, according to Baker Hughes. 石油リグは483で安定し,天然ガスリグは94に減少した. Oil rigs held steady at 483, while natural gas rigs decreased to 94. 2023年にはリグの数が20%減少した. Overall, the rig count has dropped by about 20% in 2023. 石油価格の低下とコストの上昇は 企業に支出を削減する圧力をかけています Falling oil prices and rising costs have pressured companies to cut spending. パーミアン盆地ではわずかな増加が見られ,合計306のリグに増加しました. The Permian Basin saw a slight increase, bringing its total to 306 rigs.