NZの教育審査局によると,COVID-19により5歳児の話す能力が低下し,教師の66%に影響している. 5-year-olds in NZ have lower speaking skills due to COVID-19, impacting 66% of teachers, according to the Education Review Office.
ニュージーランドにおける5歳児は,COVID-19の流行により,話す能力が低下して学校に入学している.これは,教育審査局 (ERO) の調査結果である. 5-year-olds in New Zealand are entering school with lower speaking skills due to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a study by the Education Review Office (ERO). 教師のほぼ66%は,COVID-19が子どもの言語発達,特に社会的コミュニケーション言語能力に影響を及ぼしたと報告しました. Nearly 66% of teachers reported that Covid-19 has impacted children's language development, particularly social communication language skills. 質の高い幼児教育は識字率を最大1年向上させると EROの報告書は示唆し,障壁を取り除き,貧しい家庭の子供たちの入学率を高め,学校や幼児教育カリキュラムで口頭言語の進歩指標を明確に確保することを推奨しています. The ERO report suggests quality early childhood education can accelerate literacy by up to a year, and recommends removing barriers and increasing enrollment for children from poor families, as well as ensuring clear progress indicators for oral language in the school and early childhood curriculums.