7月には,米国の消費者インフレ率は前年比2.9%に低下し,2021年3月以来の最低水準となった. In July, US consumer inflation fell to 2.9% year-over-year, its lowest since March 2021.
7月には,米国の消費者インフレ率は2021年3月以来の最低年率に達し,消費者物価指数 (CPI) は6月の3%から同比2.9%に低下した. In July, US consumer inflation hit its lowest annual rate since March 2021, with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) falling to 2.9% year-over-year, down from 3% in June. インフレの減少は,連邦準備制度の利率削減の決定に影響を与えるかもしれない. This decline in inflation may influence the Federal Reserve's decision on interest rate cuts. 消費者物価の12カ月間の成長は比較的緩やかであり,経済政策の前景を好意的に示しています. The 12-month growth in consumer prices has been relatively subdued, providing a positive outlook for economic policies.