ホノルル空港近くのH-1フリーウェイ事故で2人が死亡,1人が重傷を負った. 2024年,オアフ島の25番目と26番目の交通事故. 2 men died, 1 critically injured in H-1 Freeway crash near Honolulu airport; 25th and 26th traffic fatalities on Oahu in 2024.
ホノルル空港近くのH-1フリーウェイでの事故で2人が死亡,1人が重傷を負った. 2024年8月4日,H-1フリーウェイで3輪のバイクが車に後方から衝突し,55歳の乗客と56歳の運転手 (ヘルメットを着ていなかった) が死亡し,37歳の運転手が重傷を負って病院に搬送された. 2 men died, 1 critically injured in H-1 Freeway crash near Honolulu airport: On 4 Aug 2024, a three-wheeled motorcycle was rear-ended by a car on the H-1 Freeway, killing the 55-year-old passenger and 56-year-old driver (not wearing helmets) and critically injuring the 37-year-old driver, who was transported to a hospital. ホノルル警察は 事故の原因が 速さ 薬物 酒だったか調べている The Honolulu Police Department is investigating if speed, drugs, or alcohol were factors in the crash. これは今年 25 番目と 26 番目の交通事故で 死んだ人数です This is the 25th and 26th traffic fatality on Oahu this year.