6月には,長持ち商品,主に輸送機器の 6.7% の減少により,米国の工場注文は 3.3% 減少した. In June, US factory orders dropped 3.3% due to a 6.7% decline in durable goods, mainly transportation equipment.
6月には,米国工場の注文は,予想の2.9%の減少に対して3.3%減少した.これは主に耐久財の注文,特に輸送機器の注文が6.7%減少したためであった. In June, US factory orders fell 3.3% vs. expected 2.9% decline, largely due to a 6.7% drop in durable goods orders, particularly transportation equipment. 輸出は0.5%増加し,在庫はわずかに減少し,在庫と出荷の比率が低下した. Shipments rose 0.5% and inventories decreased slightly, resulting in a lower inventories-to-shipments ratio. 企業による設備支出は安定したまま,航空機を除く非防衛資本財は0.9%増加した. Business spending on equipment remained solid with a 0.9% increase in non-defence capital goods excluding aircraft.