フィリピンのバタン州で,3歳を含んだ4人が急激な火災で死亡した. Four people, including a three-year-old, died in a quick-contained house fire in Bataan, Philippines.
3歳の少女を含む4人が,マニラ西部のバタン州バタン県で,日曜日の早朝に死亡した. Four people, including a three-year-old girl, died in a house fire in Bataan province, west of Manila, early Sunday morning. この火災は午前4時45分ごろに2階から始まり,消防隊が30分以内で管理した. The fire started on the first floor of a two-story house around 4:45 a.m. and was controlled by firefighters in under 30 minutes. 火災防災局は火災の原因を調査している. The Bureau of Fire Protection is investigating the cause of the fire.