被害者はマニトバ南部で 喧嘩中に暴力的な攻撃を受けた後 病院に Victim hospitalized after violent assault during argument in Southern Manitoba.
18歳の女性が,南マニトバ州ウエストウッドで暴力をふるって入院し,また別の18歳の女性と議論を交わした. An 18-year-old woman was hospitalized after a violent assault in Westwood, Southern Manitoba, following an argument with another 18-year-old woman. 患者は重傷を負ったが,当初は不安定な状態だったが,その後は安定した状態であった. The victim suffered serious upper-body injuries and was initially in unstable condition but later stabilized. 被害者とアルコールを飲んでいた容疑者は,暴行で起訴され,事業で釈放された. The suspect, who was drinking alcohol with the victim, faces assault charges and was released on an undertaking.