SDF司令官は解散を却下し,シリアの軍事組織に統合を求め,シリアの新しい防衛大臣に反対する. SDF commander rejects disbanding, seeks integration into Syria's military, opposed by Syria's new Defense Minister.
シリア民主軍(SDF)の司令官は、武装解除又は解散を拒み、彼の勢力をシリアの将来の軍隊に統合する交渉を試みている。 The commander of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), Mazloum Abdi, has refused to disarm or disband, instead seeking to negotiate the integration of his forces into Syria's future military. Abdiは統一国の軍隊の必要性を強調し,別々の軍事組織の思想を拒絶した. Abdi emphasized the need for a unified national army, rejecting the idea of separate military entities. シリアの新国防衛大臣Murhaf Abu Kasaは,統合軍内でのSDFの提案を却下した. Syria's new Defense Minister, Murhaf Abu Qasra, has rejected the SDF's proposal for their own military bloc within the integrated forces. FAFは米国の支援を受けてシリアで分散行政を模索している. The SDF, backed by US support, is seeking a decentralized administration in Syria.