ボルチモアで銃撃で一人の男が死亡し,もう一人の男は負傷し,状態は安定している. A man died after being shot in Baltimore; another was injured and is in stable condition.
1月18日閲覧. ^ ボルチモアの北西地方で午後6時55分頃に撃たれた59歳の男性が死亡,警察は銃創を発見し,病院へ搬送したが,その後死亡した. On January 18, a 59-year-old man died after being shot in Baltimore's northwest region around 6:55 p.m. Police found him with a gunshot wound and transported him to a hospital, but he later died. 関心 の ある 人 が 逮捕 さ れ まし た。 A person of interest was apprehended. 別の事件では,40歳の男性が午前4時17分ごろ東地区で射殺され,安定状態にあります. In another incident, a 40-year-old man was shot in the eastern district around 4:17 a.m. and is in stable condition. 当局は,公衆からの情報を求めている. Authorities are seeking information from the public.