シンシナティマンションの火災は 1人を傷つけ 住民を避難させる Fire at Cincinnati apartment building injures one, displaces residents; cause under investigation.
土曜の朝早くにシンシナティの4階のマンションで火災が発生し,入院していた一人が負傷した. A fire broke out at a four-story apartment building in Cincinnati early Saturday morning, injuring one person who was hospitalized. 消防隊は,建物の建設により3階と4階に拡がった炎を消そうと奮闘した. Firefighters struggled to extinguish the blaze, which spread across the third and fourth floors, due to the building's construction. 赤十字社は被害を受けた住民を支援するため連絡を受けており,火災の原因はまだ調査中である. The Red Cross has been contacted to assist affected residents, and the cause of the fire is still under investigation.