複数の車と家がシドニーで反ユダヤ行為で破壊され,政府に対する非難と法律上の審査が激化した. Multiple cars and a house were vandalized with anti-Semitic acts in Sydney, spurring government condemnation and legal review.
シドニーのドーバーハイドでは,複数の車両が火をおこし,反ユダヤ主義のスローガンで水しぶきを塗られ,家が赤塗装された. In Dover Heights, Sydney, multiple cars were set on fire and spray-painted with anti-Semitic slogans, and a house was splashed with red paint. この事件は,最近オーストラリアで行われた反ユダヤ的攻撃の連続事件に続き,教会の落書きや放火などを含む. This incident follows a series of recent anti-Semitic attacks in Australia, including graffiti and arson at synagogues. アンソニー・アルバネス首相は攻撃を非難し,クリス・ミンズ新州首相は"嫌悪的で危険な暴力行為"と称した. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese condemned the attacks, and NSW Premier Chris Minns called it a "disgusting and dangerous act of violence." NSW政府は反ユダヤ犯罪の増加に係る法律改正を検討している。 The NSW government is considering legal changes to address the rise in anti-Semitic crimes.