シアトルのサウスパーク付近でドライブで発砲している間に,十代の少年2人が脚を撃たれた. Two teenage boys were shot in the legs during a drive-by shooting in Seattle's South Park neighborhood.
シアトルの南公園周辺で火曜の早朝にドライブで発砲した際には,十代の少年2人が脚を撃たれて入院した. In a drive-by shooting early Tuesday in Seattle's South Park neighborhood, two teenage boys were shot in the legs and hospitalized. 事件は午前6時頃 12番通り南とドノヴァン通り南の 角で起こった 少年たちは若い女性と一緒に歩いていたが 負傷者はいなかった The incident happened around 6 a.m. at the corner of 12th Avenue South and South Donovan Street, where the teens were walking with a young adult female who was not injured. 容疑者は発砲後に現場から逃げ出して,20ミリ以上の砲弾を置き去りにした. The suspects fled the scene after firing shots, leaving over twenty 9mm shell casings. シアトル警察は調査中ですが,まだ逮捕は行われていません. The Seattle Police Department is investigating, but no arrests have been made yet.