児童の性的搾取調査に関する英国保守党の修正案は364対111で否決されました. UK Conservatives' amendment for a child sexual exploitation inquiry was defeated 364 to 111.
英国の保守党は,歴史ある児童性的搾取、特にセクハラギャングに対する全国調査の実施を図るため,児童福祉及び学校ビルの改正を図ろうとしたが,この改正は,364から111に敗退した. The UK's Conservative party tried to amend the Children's Wellbeing and Schools Bill to create a national inquiry into historical child sexual exploitation, particularly grooming gangs, but the amendment was defeated 364 to 111. 労働党は反対し,それ以前の調査の勧告を支持していると述べた. Labour opposed it, stating they already support previous inquiry recommendations. 自由民主党は後日,勧告の全面実施のための独自の改正案を提出する. The Liberal Democrats abstained and plan to propose their own amendment for full implementation of recommendations later.