スペインの工業生産は11月から4か月で4年ぶりに0.4%減少した. Spain's industrial production fell 0.4% year-over-year in November, its first drop in four months.
スペインの工業生産は11月から一年度の減少率が0.4%で,2024年3月以降の4か月ぶりの減少を表明した. Spain's industrial production saw a 0.4% decline year-over-year in November, marking the first drop in four months and the largest since March 2024. 資本財とエネルギー生産はそれぞれ2.8%と1.9%減少し,消費財と中間財の生産はそれぞれ1.1%と0.3%増加した. Capital goods and energy production fell by 2.8% and 1.9%, respectively, while consumer goods and intermediate goods production rose by 1.1% and 0.3%. 不適格で生産が3.4%減少し,月間は0.8%減少し,潜在的な経済圧力を示唆した. Unadjusted, production fell 3.4%, and month-on-month, it dropped 0.8%, indicating potential economic pressures.