バタビア で は , ごみ トラック の 作業 員 二 人 が 車 に 襲わ れ , 全員 が 入院 し まし た。 Two garbage truck workers were hit by a car in Batavia, with all involved hospitalized.
バタビアのゴミ箱作業員2人が 火曜日の朝,エルリコット大通りで作業中に車にかれて重傷を負った. Two garbage truck workers in Batavia were seriously injured when hit by a car while working on Ellicott Avenue Tuesday morning. 33歳と39歳の労働者は,カバラ廃棄物システムで雇用されているが,命にかかわらない傷を負った強い記念病院へ搬送された. The 33-year-old and 39-year-old workers, employed by Casella Waste Systems, were taken to Strong Memorial Hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. やはり入院していた38歳の運転士は,事故の原因となる医療上の緊急事態を経験した可能性がある. The 38-year-old driver, who was also hospitalized, may have experienced a medical emergency leading to the crash. 彼女は"正しさを保つる失敗"の切符を渡された. She was ticketed for "failure to keep right." 警察はライズリー・リシンジャー巡査と 連絡を取る証人を要請しています Police are investigating and asking for witnesses to contact Officer Wesley Rissinger.