ナイジェリアの学校で爆弾が爆発,2人が死亡,2人が負傷 警察はカチナ出身の攻撃者だと疑っている. Bomb explosion at Nigerian school kills 2, injures 2; police suspect attackers from Katsina.
ナイジェリアの首都アブジャの近くにある学校で爆弾爆発が起こり,二人が死亡し,他の2人が負傷した. A bomb explosion at a school near Abuja, Nigeria's capital, killed two individuals and injured two others. 警察は爆発装置が カッシーナ州から3人の男によって 学校に持ち込まれたと疑ってる Police suspect the explosive device was brought to the school by three men from Katsina state. この学校の所有者Malam Admu Ashimaは,尋問のために拘留された. The school's owner, Mallam Adamu Ashimu, has been taken into custody for questioning. この事件は,当該地域で継続中のセキュリティ上の懸念を強調し,近隣州から武装集団が攻撃されやすい. The incident highlights ongoing security concerns in the area, with attacks often linked to armed groups from nearby states.