メーン州大晦日襲撃で足を撃った十代の少年はナイフで反撃した. Teen shot in leg during New Year's Day attack in Maine; she fought back with a knife.
ルイストン出身の16歳の女の子が,オーバーンで大晦日に競走中に足を撃たれた. A 16-year-old girl from Lewiston was shot in the leg during a New Year's Day altercation in Auburn, ME. 少女と17歳の妹は、車の中で接近した黒人男性と白人女性に襲われた. The girl and her 17-year-old sister were attacked by a black male and a white female who approached in a car. 16歳の少年は銃乱射で負傷し,逃走した男性を刺すためにポケットナイフを使った. The 16-year-old was hit by gunfire and used a pocket knife to stab the male attacker, who fled. 二姉妹は不死身の負傷で入院した. Both sisters were hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries. 警察は容疑者を捜索しており、どんな情報でも公に要請している。 Police are searching for the suspects and have asked the public for any information.