フィラデルフィアで2発の発砲で15歳の少女と少年が負傷し,二人とも安定したままである. Two shootings in Philadelphia left a 15-year-old girl and boy injured; both are stable.
日曜日にフィラデルフィアで2回の別銃乱射で15歳の少女と15歳の少年が負傷した. Two separate shootings in Philadelphia on Sunday injured a 15-year-old girl and a 15-year-old boy. 少女は北29番通りで腹部を撃たれたが,少年は左腕と右指をイーストアリー通りで撃たれた. The girl was shot in the stomach on North 29th Street, while the boy was shot in his left arm and right finger on East Erie Avenue. 2人とも 聖クリストファー病院に搬送され、安定状態にあります。 Both were taken to St. Christopher's Hospital for Children and are in stable condition. 武器 は 回収 さ れ ず , 逮捕 も 行なわ れ ませ ん でし た。 No weapons were recovered, and no arrests have been made. 警察は両事件を調査しており 情報を有する者は連絡を してください Police are investigating both incidents and urge anyone with information to contact them.