ICEは,費用と実効上の懸念により,不法移民に関する2つのプログラムを終了させる. ICE ends two programs for undocumented immigrants due to cost and effectiveness concerns.
移民税関執行局(ICE)は、高額な費用と機関の使命との不一致により、不法移民のための2つの社会サービスプログラムを終了しました。 Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has ended two social service programs for undocumented immigrants due to high costs and misalignment with the agency's mission. 行動健康支援を提供するWraparound Stabilization Service (WSS) と若い移民に法律サービスを提供したYoung Adult Case Management (YACMP) プログラムは中止された. The Wraparound Stabilization Service (WSS), which provided behavioral health support, and the Young Adult Case Management (YACMP) program, which offered legal services to young immigrants, were discontinued. ICEは,廃止の理由として,プログラムの費用と限定効力について言及した. ICE cited the programs' costs and limited effectiveness as reasons for termination.