中所得家庭の購入電力は,アメリカとカナダで11月に41ヶ月連続で2.8%上昇した. Middle-income families' purchasing power in the U.S. and Canada hit a 41-month high in November, up 2.8%.
Primerica Household Budget Indexは,米国とカナダの中所得層の家庭の購買力が2024年11月に昨年と比較して2.8%増加し,連続7ヶ月の増加を示しています. The Primerica Household Budget Index shows that purchasing power for middle-income families in the U.S. and Canada rose by 2.8% in November 2024 compared to last year, marking seven consecutive months of increase. この103.6%の改善は主にガスの価格の低下によるもので,その他の生活必需品のコストは安定したままです. This improvement, reaching 103.6%, is largely due to falling gas prices, while other necessity costs stayed steady. 2021年1月以降の最も高い購入力である. This is the highest purchasing power since January 2021.